Saturday, March 8, 2008

Abstract: Contemplative Conduct as Self-Organizing Resonance

American Academy of Religion Pacific Northwest Regional Meeting
George Fox University Newberg, OR
May 2-4 2008
Submitted online 12.29.07

Topic: Interreligious Dialogue with the Natural Sciences

TITLE: Contemplative Conduct as Self-Organizing Resonance, presented 5/03/08
©2007, 2008 Guy Burneko, Ph. D.

The Institute for Contemporary / Ancient Learning

In the world religious language of creatio continua, ziran and shu, and in the scientific idiom of self-organization in the quantum vacuum field, this essay proposes that cosmogenesis manifests an unbroken connectivity among the phases and modes of Being. Holistically engaged human being contemplatively attunes to and tunes this process, embodying it as self-organizing resonance or harmony through the presencing and interactions of the sage, shaman or mature contemplative. Such nondual consciousness participates the work of ongoing creation according with the spontaneities of the earth beyond survivalist sustainability, in living resonance with cosmos. Our intentionality is constitutent and not epiphenomenal in the unfolding of the world. And thinking contemplatively through analogies among disciplines and cultures while also experiencing the existential analogy between the self-organization of natural systems and the ecology of meanings further sustains nondual world-meaning-unfolding beyond sustainability. Drawing on Gebser’s theme of “ever-present origin,” Berry’s “great work,” Guenther’s nonreductionistic interpretation of Dzogchen and systems theory, Haisch’s “God theory,” Laszlo’s “connectivity hypothesis” and relevant interpretations of Confucian, Daoist and intercultural mystical traditions as well as apposite research in conscious intentionality, biocultural anthropology and evolutionary systems theory, this transdisciplinary essay offers a contemporary ecocultural hermeneutics of enlightenment.